Eco friendly food packaging can resolve the evergrowing concern of environmental impact which is widely disregarded when it comes to smaller ventures, especially food packaging and delivery services. The collective effect of these small ventures piles up at an alarming rate. Right now, single-use packaging is turning out to be one of the most detrimental forces against the climate. Slowly but surely, single-use takeaway containers are chipping away at our chances of sustaining a healthy environment. Even though there are a lot of protective measures being put in place by authorities we, as congenial businesses, need to make collective efforts to not only prevent but reverse these impacts. 

Let us understand the disquieting impact of use and throw containers and why eco friendly food packaging is the optimal solution. 

Plastic tableware & food packaging come at a huge cost

According to a recent study, plastic packaging accounts for nearly 47% of the global solid waste generation. The majority of the packaging material waste is sourced from traditional food packages used by food delivery services. Once discarded, a normal plastic container can take up to 500 years. So, it can rest assured that plastic will be dwelling on the earth long after humanity if kept producing at the current pace. 

Considering its long-term impact, it is fair to say that the nominal cost-cutting offered by polyethylene is not worth trading in the breath of fresh air. While plastic packaging is completely diminishing the core essence of our bites, it is high time we come together and take matters into our own hands. 

Introducing biodegradable food containers

not just us, but the generations to come. Essentially, any bowl, plate, or tray that you can dispose of into the environment without any repercussions falls under the category of biodegradable food containers. To make it possible, such containers and tableware are made up of purely natural resources such as corn scratch, bamboo, or other forms of bio-based polymers. 

The main aim of using these materials instead of traditional polymers is to make sure that microorganisms can easily break down the material upon disposing of it. Thus, ensuring nature gets its returns while we get our food. 

5 impeccable benefits of choosing sustainable takeaway packaging

Choosing eco friendly food packaging should be on top priority for all businesses associated with the food industry. By simply choosing to update our packaging material, we can offer a significant contribution to our climate and make sure mother nature does not frown every time we deliver a cake for a celebration. Here are a few benefits you can experience by choosing sustainable takeaway packaging: 

Dramatic reduction in solid waste

Considering there are nearly 150,000 food orders being placed every 24 hours throughout the country, we can imagine how big of a difference it can be if all traditional tableware and packaging material are replaced by eco friendly food packaging. Made with materials like compostable bioplastics, recycled paper, and biodegradable containers, it offers a much more sustainable alternative and minimises the long-term environmental impact. 

Commitment to sustainable practices 

By embracing eco friendly food packaging, we can demonstrate our commitment to the environment and follow through with our responsibilities. Businesses that prioritise sustainability manage to strongly reduce their ecological footprint as well as inspire others to follow suit. This commitment extends beyond simple packaging choices to include sourcing practices, energy efficiency measures, and waste management strategies. 

Delivering the healthiest meals with eco friendly food packaging

There are many additional benefits that are incorporated into using sustainable packaging, one of which is the assurance of well-being of customers. Traditional packaging materials contain harmful chemicals and toxins that can leach into food, posing immense health risks. Eco-friendly packaging materials, on the other hand, are often free from harmful substances, providing a safer and healthier option for packaging meals. 

Stand with the environment

Almost all businesses that adopt sustainable takeaway packaging can distinguish themselves as leaders in environmental stewardship. By showcasing your commitment to sustainability, you can attract environmentally conscious consumers who prioritise ethical and eco-friendly purchasing decisions. Sustainable packaging also serves as a powerful branding tool, allowing businesses to cultivate a positive brand image.

Long term benefits

Even though suddenly switching to eco friendly food packaging alternatives can feel overwhelming, we can assure you that there are long-term benefits awaiting your call. While the initial investment in sustainable takeaway packaging is a bit higher than conventional alternatives, the long-term benefits far outweigh the costs. Sustainable packaging solutions, such offer extended durability, reducing the need for frequent replacements which helps to minimise operational expenses over time. 

Saattvic’s initiative: Ensuring a safe future

Rooted in the firm belief that our collective actions shape the world of tomorrow, Saattvic embraces sustainable practices that prioritise the well-being of both people as well as the planet. Through innovative eco friendly food packaging solutions, Saattvic strives to mitigate the environmental impact of traditional packaging materials and promote a more sustainable way of living. With each initiative, Saattvic reaffirms its dedication to building safer, healthier future generations, inspiring others to join in the journey towards a more sustainable world.

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